iMPAQT-quant help

This page contains short tutorials using sample files.

Sample file:

You can download sample files from here. "" contains files below.
File Comment
[iMPAQT_MRM_geneid_20161224]folder Files from iMPAQT-mTRAQ.
iMPAQT_MRM_geneid_20161224.csv MRM transition file.
iMPAQT_MRM_geneid_20161224.ms2d Annotation file.
Use for "Import a raw file and analysis"
D20161223_vMRM_metabolic all set01 test.wiff
D20161223_vMRM_metabolic all set01 test.wiff.scan
Sciex rawdata files.
Use for "Import a raw file and analysis"
D20161223_vMRM_metabolic_all_set01_test.imqt iMPAQT-quant file.
Use for "Open iMPAQT-quant file"

Import a raw file and analysis (Windows only)

Select ProteoWizrad directory
  1. Download a windows installer (able to convert vender files) and install ProteoWizrad.
  2. Launch iMPAQTquant.exe.
  3. If "Select ProteoWizard Directory" dialog appears, select the ProteoWizard folder.
  4. Import dialog
  5. Select [File] -> [Import raw data and analysis...] menu.
    → "Import raw data and analysis" dialog appears.
  6. Click [Select...] button in the top right corner of the dialog.
  7. Select the directory holding sample files.
    → Raw files are listed.
  8. Select "D20161223_vMRM_metabolic all set01 test.wiff" file and click [add↓] button.
  9. Click [Select...] button in the bottom right corner of the dialog.
  10. Select "iMPAQT_MRM_geneid_20161224.ms2d" file.
  11. Import finished dialog
  12. Click [Import] button.
    → When data importing process is over, a information dialog appears and shows data on PID list view.
  13. Click a data on PID list view.
    → Shows MRM chromatogram.
  14. Chromatgram image

Open iMPAQT-quant analysis file(.imqt)

  1. Launch iMPAQTquant.exe or .jar.
  2. If "Select ProteoWizard Directory" dialog appears, click [Skip] button.
  3. Select [File] -> [Open iMPAQT-quant file...] menu.
    →"Open analyzed iMPAQT-quant file" dialog appears
  4. Select "D20161223_vMRM_metabolic_all_set01_test.imqt" file.
  5. Click [Open] button.
    → When data opening process is over, shows data on PID list view.
  6. Click a data on PID list view.
    → Shows MRM chromatogram.